1:1 Trauma Intensive
Secondary Trauma Group
EASE Therapy Training
Our services include one on one sessions for a 6 week anxiety and trauma intensive, group sessions for processing secondary trauma experienced by health professionals and training/certifying mental health professionals to use the protocol effectively and ethically.
This is a six week series of weekly individual sessions utilizing EASE therapy to process anxiety and trauma. Clients will spend approximately 45 minutes each week on a horse being guided through the process. EASE sessions are scheduled on an individual basis. $150 per session. Contact us for availability. See the qualified practitioner page to find someone in your areal
As helping professionals, we are often exposed to trauma by walking vicariously through it with our clients. This group is a 4 hour process using EASE tenets to help the helpers achieve a healthy perspective and not carry the emotional baggage that leads to burn out. Contact us for more information.
Corporate Training
Corporations, treatment centers and retreat centers can bring a training in-house in order to learn to utilize EASE Therapy within an existing treatment setting. We can work with your staff to become fully trained to incorporate EASE Therapy into your already functioning team. This adds a dimension not already addressed in traditional EAP. If you partner with horses in any function or treat anxiety, trauma or addiction, this is a must have! If you are looking to add equine to your program it can be used as a stand alone program as well. This is done as a training program customized to your needs. Please contact us to check availability.
Become an EASE therapy practitioner! This is an awesome tool that will get you results with your clients fast! The 6 week protocol changes people's lives! You can attend a 2 day training and receive the training to do this if you are a masters level clinician or equine professional. What will you get? See lives change, get the training to use the protocol, mentoring and advertising as well as an awesome ROI. Book just one clients for the 1:1 and you have paid for your training! Where have you ever been trained and immediately used the technique and paid for the training? Contact us for an application to be trained. Next training to be in Michigan in Birch Run Mi August 12-13 Contact us to sign up right away! Current 2022 only price $850! Discounts available. One client signing up will cover your training expenses and you WILL get many more!